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Friday, September 2, 2016

Venus Land Festival

What do you get when you bring together over a hundred people to a couple hundred years old farm in the middle of Illinois with the intent of love and light? You get the most beautiful, wonderful festival experience that I have ever been to.

Venus Land is a place that feels like home from the moment you walk onto the property and pulls at your soul as you try to leave. Lori and Summer created a music festival here unlike any other. Every musician that steps onto the stage at Venus Land brings with them such a powerful feminine, magical energy, and every person who shares the space at Venus Land brings with them love and compassion unlike anything else I've experienced.

The Venus Music Festival is a soul changing experience that everyone should feel at least one time in their life. Spending the nights laying under thousands of stars and the days dancing to influential music has been, by far, a highlight of our travels this year so far.

Follow the facebook page here for updates and information for when the festival happens again, and come leave the earth for a while, and go to Venus.

1 comment:

  1. We love you both so much! Safe travels! And check in with us every once in while!! You can park it here ANY time!
    -Summer & Lori Osborne


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