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Friday, February 5, 2016

Traveling Tarot Readings

Tarot readings, tarot

Making money on the road is always an essential. Every vandweller has different ways of making money, and most have multiple ways. Money making can range from craft selling, skill offering, picking up small odd jobs, getting part time jobs, or even having a work from home job. One of our ways to make money is by offering tarot readings on the road. 

 This past week we set up the van to be a traveling tarot shop at Jacksonville's local art walk.

We decorated our little home and wrote signs on all of the windows to welcome customers inside.

The view from the side doors looking into our tarot shop looked very welcoming and inviting.
 Our bed was converted back into a table to give a comfortable space for customers to come in and sit down. On the table we had crystals, salt rocks, candles, herbs, and of course my tarot cards.

The small details in the set up is what gave the entire space a warm and conformable feeling for the readings.
As night fell our set up got more and more cozy and our twinkling lights gave off the perfect vibe.

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