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Monday, February 8, 2016

Ocala National Forest

I’m sitting here, in the doorway to our house with a million stars over my head, watching my wife tend to our fire, and I know we’ve finally made it. This is it. This what we have dreamt of. This is freedom.

Our van is parked in Ocala National Forest, where we have been for the past three days. The first few days of this trip, friends of ours drove down from Jacksonville with us to pitch tents all around the van and enjoy this world with us for a few days.

We hiked, listened to my wife play ukulele, hung out, and shared meals and stories by the campfire. We took a million beautiful pictures, and we made memories that we will always keep with us.

I am overjoyed at the friends that we have in our life, from the newest friends, to the ones that we’ve had the longest. Everyone in our life is always more than willing to spend time with us, and give us the support and love we need.

And now here I am. Just my love and I are still out here in the forest, everyone else is back at work. The night is serene. The stars hang in a blanket over us, and we wrap it around ourselves to tell more stories, and make more memories together.

We are free.

View more pictures from our trip on our facebook page. 

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