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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Why Did We Do It?

When my wife and I tell people that we live in a van their questions are always similar. "Where do you shower?" "How do you go to the bathroom." "How do you make money?" However, a surprisingly few amount of people ask us why we do it. Maybe deep down most people understand why. We all have a drive for adventure. Just some people's adventure is crazier than others.

I was stir crazy 
It was late 2014 when we first started talking about moving into a van and travel the country. I started thinking about all of the years that I had been in this city, and it made me anxious. Anxious that I stayed in on place for so long, anxious that I felt so trapped in this city. I felt like the city had walls and they were closing in around me, and I just had to get out.

I wanted adventure 
It was more than just stir crazy that led us to buy a van. We wanted to get out and see the world, we wanted fun and adventure, and we wanted to do it while we were still young. I was tired of staring at cubicle walls all day when there are trees, and mountains, and rivers outside waiting to be explored. I wanted to get out there, and I wanted to get out there with my wife.

I wanted to reduce my consumerism 
We had a lot of stuff, and a terrible habit of hoarding it. It got to the point where our entire garage, and two bedrooms in our 3 bedroom house were just full of junk that we almost never touched, and I knew we needed to do something. By moving into a van we were required to get rid of all of the overwhelming stuff that we had, and prevented us from just buying more. We reduced our need to have things, and lowered our impact on the consumerism and waste that is so common in our society.

I wanted to be free
We wanted to be free from schedules, from jobs, from responsibilities, from society. I wanted to be free from every restriction I felt in the boldest of ways. So we made the choice that we were going to go out and get that freedom, at any cost.

So here we are. Living in our van.

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