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Friday, January 15, 2016

Two Months in the Van

Two months ago my wife and I made the jump earlier than we had planned and we moved into our van. In these past couple of months we have come to learn a lot about van dwelling.

Get Portable Wifi
This is probably not a necessity for everyone, but it has saved us so much. Having portable wifi has allowed us to stay more connected, and ultimately feel more at home inside our van. We use Karma Go and it's been amazing. It has great signal all over Jacksonville where we're currently dwelling, and it's perfect for van life.

Stay Organized 
Organization has been essential for van life. We pull everything out of the van and reorganize it, probably a couple times a month at least. Once you're living in such a tiny space and moving things around all of the time it gets unorganized fast, so you have to clean it back up or you'll go crazy.

Get a Sink System 
This has been a recent discovery of ours. In the beginning we were just stepping outside to wash our plates and cooking things, but when the temperature dropped we figured out that that wasn't a very viable option. Luckily my super handy wife built us a simple sink system from a storage container that gives us a top section to wash things, and a bottom section that catches, and later drains, the gray water.

Give Each Other Space
If you're living in a van with someone else this is probably the most important advice. People need space. That may mean just going to the front half of the van and closing the curtain, or finding a safe place to park where the two of you can just walk away. Whatever way you're able to give it, give each other space when you need it.


So far living in a van has been crazy, exciting, frustrating, and so rewarding. I see my wife more than ever before. We have been able to live in every side of the city easily. And most importantly we feel safe and secure in our little home.

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