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Friday, January 22, 2016

5 Reasons to Live in a Van

My wife and I get a mix of reactions when we tell them that we live in a van. The reactions can range  from "That's my dream!" to "That's crazy and I have no idea why you're doing that." But even those on the side that think we're nuts can agree that there are some benefits to living in a van.

Here are 5 of our favorite things about living in a van.

1. No Bills 

When you move into a van, of course there are still going to be some bills. You still have to pay for gas, insurance, maybe a car bill, internet if you want it, but you don't have that huge mortgage payment or rent to pay for each month.

2. No Seriously, No Bills

By not having a rent bill each month you have more money to do the things you want to do. This can mean money for traveling and seeing new fun places, money for doing cool things, money for eating great food. Seriously, no rent opens up a lot of new possibilities in your life.


3. No Ties to One Place

By not having any ties to one place you can get up and move whenever you want. If you're sick of a job or of a town, then you can leave. This allows far more freedom than any house can provide you. There is no issue of getting a moving van, no ending a lease, no selling your house, if you want to go, you just go.


4. Less Attachment to Things

This is one of my favorite aspects of living in a van. As people we have such a strong attachment to things, to the point where it can be unhealthy. When we got rid of all of our stuff, it was like a burden being lifted. Now we buy a lot less things then we did when we had a house. We don't feel the need to be surrounded by stuff in quite the same way. 


5. It's Scary

Now I know this doesn't sound like a benefit, but stick with me. Living in a van is like being at the top of a roller coaster and looking down at the first drop. It is exhilarating. The whole act of leaving the main culture and moving into this counterculture is scary and exciting. Selling all your stuff is terrifying, and leaves you feeling weightless. Looking for a place to park every night is nerve-raking and it leaves you excited and adventurous. We all look for thrills in our life.

Van dwelling is definitely not for everyone. It's small, it's strange, and its different. But van dwelling is a great option for many people. For more reasons than we have here.

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